Cook-along live!
Spatchcock chicken with coconut & lime potatoes and winter slaw
Join me for a cook-along on Sunday 29th January 2017 at 10am - I'll guide you through how to spatchcock a chicken and roast it, along with roasted coconut and lime new potatoes, and a delicious winter slaw.
All you need to do is buy the below ingredients and gather the listed utensils, and follow The Cooking Shed on Facebook. Then, at 10am on Sunday 29th January sign in to Facebook, and watch me demonstrate the stages for you to can ask questions as we go, and we'll cook in real time together. Once everything is prep'd, sit back and relax while your lunch finishes cooking and enjoy with friends or family. #giveitatry
Ingredients list
2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
500g new potatoes
sea salt
Ground black pepper
1 medium sized good quality chicken (free range if you can!)
3 fresh whole limes
1 fresh whole lemon
1 small red cabbage
1 small red onion
2 carrots
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 garlic clove
3 tablespoon olive oil
2 thumbs in size of whole fresh ginger
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
- feeds 3/4 adults -
Equipment list
1 Chef's knife (or sharp, large kitchen knife)
1 medium size roasting tin (for the potatoes)
1 large roasting tin (to fit the flattened out chicken in)
cheese grater
1 mixing bowl
1 garlic crush
1 old empty, clean jam jar with lid
1 teaspoon
1 chopping board
Oven :)